Our Wordle

Wordle: Rogers CDH

Monday, August 10, 2009

Eating is going great

Weston is really enjoying eating by mouth. He is getting better at taking more by bottle the most he has taken is 17 oz, which is awesome! Plus those 17 oz have a caloric intake of 41.1 per ounce so that helps. He is doing really good. He is on antibiotics for his ear infection and I can tell he is feeling better everyday plus the fact that he is chasing Quinton around everywhere. Now that he has learned to crawl that is no turning back, he shots down the hallway and is off doing his own thing. It is so exciting to watch him go and for him to take things in for the first time, I love watching the world through my children eyes. We are still working on taking more by spoon which is a work in progress since he is taking so much by bottle but hey we are off the NG tube he is doing everything on his own and it is the awesome power of God that we are seeing. We are so blessed. Life is GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. That is great news about his feeds. I pray Weston cotinues to do wel. I never knew how fast babies can crawl. Nayeli is fast. I am sure Weston is too. I am burning off alot of calories. Great workout!
