Our Wordle

Wordle: Rogers CDH

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Can you hear me now?

Well we always know when Weston isn't feeling good, it is when he doesn't sleep laying flat and wakes up at night. Well come to found out this morning that Weston has another ear infection. Our poor baby, we can't seem to shake them.
He has been doing great on oral feeds, taking 16 oz a day and he was 20lbs and 5 oz at the doctor's office today so that is really exciting. So means he is gaining weight.which is really exciting. Only problem that since he has the ear infection he doesn't want to eat like he should, guess we'll give him a day and see what tomorrow holds. The other fun part is trying to give him medicines since we are used to putting them down his NG tube, he is having a fun time spitting them back out at us.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Weston feels better soon. I have been trying to post but for some reason it wont let me. I hope this goes through.
