Our Wordle

Wordle: Rogers CDH

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Working hard during therapy

Today was therapy day and Weston is wiped out. We are working on tummy time, trying to get him to want to crawl, he is starting to get better and tolerating it longer each time. We are also working on standing and he is really enjoying that, working on balance, he'll probably be walking before we know it. Still working on eating and drinking. He is loving to put everything in his mouth, it amazes me. He tried a pretzel for lunch today and loved sucking the salt off it if, gave him a different taste in his mouth and texture. Weston is sitting up so good and has started to try and push himself up into a sitting position.
He has another bottom tooth breaking through. So soon he'll have two bottom teeth. The other day I think I heard him make the "m" sound so maybe soon he'll be saying mama and just not dada, but I know daddy loves hearing him say it.

Our heart breaks for the Kuehl family in the loss of Kaden, he fought hard for 17 days and decided to chose wings over feet. Here is their blog: http://kadenalexkuehl.blogspot.com/