A year ago we were bring Weston home from the hospital. I never thought anything would be harder than having to leave your baby in the hospital for three months but coming home there would be more challenges.
Learning how to replace an NG tube, waking up so many times at night to give meds and to give him his feed. After a month of being home Weston catching pneumonia and being in the hospital three days before Thanksgivin
Watching how he is breathing if we need to turn up or down his oxygen watching his pulse ox monitor to see what he is stating.
Over coming oral aversion and learning how to eat everything in site. Coming off oxygen after being on it for 5 months after he caught pneumonia the first time in November. Coming off his NG tube after 13 months and having no set backs.
I would not trade any of these experiences.
Thank you all for all your love, support and prayers through this part of Weston's life.
He continues to amaze us he is cruising around everywhere, he has taken a couple steps by himself. He is becoming more independent and he has the greatest personality
We are so truly blessed, I cannot wait to see what we have in store for this year.