Last night we went and visited some of Weston's evening NICU nurses. It was so great to see them and for them to see Weston walking and saying "hi".
As we drove to the hospital I started to get emotional and I told Timothy I didn't understand why. We have been up to the hospital so many times since Weston was discharged and it has never phased me. I think what it boils down to is that we were going at night when we would usually go up and see Weston. A flood of memories were coming back. It amazed me how your mind gets triggered by certain actions and it takes you back to a certain time.
It was so emotional to see Gretchen, Ricki and Carla all of whom took care of Weston while he was on ECMO and for a majority of his stay. Gretchen was there when we first where able to give Weston a bottle. Carla got Weston moved out of the ECMO room when he was more stable. Ricki was always a big support in both rooms. They were all such a big part of Weston's stay at Children's. We were all crying. They all mentioned did we know how blessed we were, I told them yes. They were so glad that we came up to visit so they could see how well Weston is doing. God is so good and continues to bless Weston with great health and a very healthy attitude.
On Thursday we go for his last developmental evaluation. The hospital follows all babies who were in the NICU until they are two. I'll post after his appointment to let everyone know how he is doing.
Weston is doing great and is picking up more words and saying more. His main word right now isWall-e, we watched that movie last week and he caught on to Wall-e and Eve. The other day we had the dogs inside to cool down and he walked over to the gate and looked over at the dogs and said " Hi doggie" we were laughing so hard. He loves singing Jesus loves me and bible bible God's best book.
We are planning a trip the end of this month to New Mexico and Colorado we are going to the Red River encampment we are so excited.
As we drove to the hospital I started to get emotional and I told Timothy I didn't understand why. We have been up to the hospital so many times since Weston was discharged and it has never phased me. I think what it boils down to is that we were going at night when we would usually go up and see Weston. A flood of memories were coming back. It amazed me how your mind gets triggered by certain actions and it takes you back to a certain time.
It was so emotional to see Gretchen, Ricki and Carla all of whom took care of Weston while he was on ECMO and for a majority of his stay. Gretchen was there when we first where able to give Weston a bottle. Carla got Weston moved out of the ECMO room when he was more stable. Ricki was always a big support in both rooms. They were all such a big part of Weston's stay at Children's.
On Thursday we go for his last development
Weston is doing great and is picking up more words and saying more. His main word right now isWall-e, we watched that movie last week and he caught on to Wall-e and Eve. The other day we had the dogs inside to cool down and he walked over to the gate and looked over at the dogs and said " Hi doggie" we were laughing so hard. He loves singing Jesus loves me and bible bible God's best book.
We are planning a trip the end of this month to New Mexico and Colorado we are going to the Red River encampment we are so excited.